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to DICE Lab

How can we use Digital Technology and A.I. to understand human cognition in interaction? How can we adapt Digital Technology and A.I. to human cognitive and emotional interactive needs?

The Digitalisation, Interaction, Cogniton, Emotion (DICE) research Lab is based at the Department of Applied IT (University of Gothenburg). We focus on using technology to study interactive behaviour in clinical (e.g. social contexts) and applied (e.g. human-robot/human-vehicle) settings. Our research focuses on using novel cognitive methodologies, and A.I (Deep Learning, LLMs) for better understanding human-interaction, cognition and behaviour. Over the past few years we have been investigating:

  • how AI can help evaluate how human behaviour and physiology changes in safety critical driving situations;

  • how AI can be used for evaluating social interactions (both human-human and human-robot interactions);

  • digitised cognitive methodologies (e.g. DigiDOP) for mitigating cognitive decline in interventions;

  • how to enhance human engagement in cognitive interventions using different technology (e.g. social robots).

Latest News

DICE organising workshop at RO-MAN on LLMS and HRI

See us at the 33nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication where we will be organising the workshop "Large Language Models in the RoMan Age: 
Exploring Social Impact and Implications for Design and Ethics"

Latest publications

Nieto-Escamez, F., Roldán-Tapia, M. D., Castaño-Castaño, S., & Lowe, R. Frontiers in Psychology, (2024)

Vivas, A. B., Estévez, A. F., Khan, I., Roldán-Tapia, L., Markelius, A., Nielsen, S., & Lowe, R. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, (2024).

Human-Robot Mutual Learning through Affective-Linguistic Interaction and Differential Outcomes Training

​Heikkinen, E., Silvennoinen, E., Khan, I., Lemhaouri, Z., Cohen, L., Cañamero, L., & Lowe, R. Proc. ACII 2024.

Differential Outcomes Training of Visuospatial Memory: A Gamified Approach Using a Socially Assistive Robot

Markelius, A., Sjöberg, S., Bergström, M., Ravandi, B.S., Vivas, A.B., Khan, I., Lowe, R. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2023

Markelius, A., Sjöberg, S., Lemhauori, Z., Cohen, L., Bergström, M., Lowe, R., Cañamero, L. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Social Robotics, ICSR 2023

The Logic of Social Practices II

Giovagnoli, R., & Lowe, R. (Eds.). (2023). The Logic of Social Practices II (Vol. 68). Springer Nature.

Memory of Fictional Information: A Theoretical Framework.

Gander, P., Szita, K., Falck, A., & Lowe, R. (2023). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17456916231202500


The DICE-lab at the Institution for Applied IT, University of Gothenburg. From left: Martin Bergström, Imran Khan, Robert Lowe, Alva Markelius, Bahram Salamat Ravandi.

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